Relief from Allergy Symptoms

Audrey has been going to Jane Fecteau Intuitive Healing on a periodic basis for energy treatments due to sports injuries. In some of these sessions, Audrey has asked Jane to focus on her allergies to our cats and seasonal pollens.

The change has been incredible. When you live with someone every day, you don’t always notice when they are symptom free. However, with the arrival of the Spring and the heavy pollen, it is clear that the changes are dramatic and she is virtually symptom-free. I don’t think I’ve heard a sniffle and I know there haven’t been any piles of tissues around.

This has been a great drug-free healing alternative for a girl who was on Zyrtec from the age of 8 or 9!

Audrey has been going to Jane Fecteau Intuitive Healing on a periodic basis for energy treatments due to sports injuries. In some of these sessions, Audrey has asked Jane to focus on her allergies to our cats and seasonal pollens.
The change has been incredible. When you live wi...

Audrey Borst, Wells, ME

Uplifted Spirit and Immediate Relief from Severe Pain

I have been seeing Jane for a little over six months and I have experienced tremendous benefits from Jane’s divine healing gift which include, but are not limited to; much clearer focus in my life, increased mindfulness, uplifted spirit, emotional connection and immediate relief from a few severe pains in my body.

I have recommended her to friends and my husband. Each person I have taken to Jane is amazed at the benefits they have received. Both my husband and myself will continue to see and recommend Jane to our friends.

I have been seeing Jane for a little over six months and I have experienced tremendous benefits from Jane's divine healing gift which include, but are not limited to; much clearer focus in my life, increased mindfulness, uplifted spirit, emotional connection and immediate relief ...

Lynn Lacourse, Portland, ME

Scoliosis: Imagine Yourself with Renewed Vibrant Health!

Jane has been working with me on the scoliosis I have had for most of my life. I have been treated by chiropractors and physicians over the years and none of them can compare to what Jane has done for me in TWO SESSIONS! I feel “held” in intense love and grace during my time with her.  Her approach is incredibly gentle and respectful.  Spirit is clearly working through her.

Today I am standing straighter and taller with less discomfort and I maintain what I’ve gained between sessions.  I can’t tell you how HUGE this is for me! Because this is a chronic condition I know it will be a process, but I am thoroughly convinced from what I’ve experienced so far that Jane will continue to bring my spine back to perfect health!

My miracle for 2011!

Jane has been working with me on the scoliosis I have had for most of my life. I have been treated by chiropractors and physicians over the years and none of them can compare to what Jane has done for me in TWO SESSIONS! I feel "held" in intense love and grace during my time with...

Maggie McCauley, North Berwick, ME

Drug-Free Relief from Migraine Headaches

Having a migraine headache can really knock you out. My daughter would have to retreat to total darkness in her room when a migraine struck. Jane “saw” that a vertebra in Audrey’s upper neck was constricting the blood flow to her brain. She was able to “open up the area” and alleviate the problem.

I met Jane in person and heard a testimonial from a colleague of how he had back pain every day to the point of crawling on his hands and knees each morning when he got out of bed. He volunteered to be Jane’s subject in a live demonstration. He actually started crying after Jane had laid hands on him because for the first time in as long as he could remember his back pain went away, after just minutes with Jane. It was because of her calming nature and this testimonial that I trusted taking my daughter to Jane and see if this alternative therapy would help.

Audrey, 15 at the time, was experiencing migraine headaches on increasingly frequent intervals. Her doctor said it was likely hormonal issues associated with puberty. I made an appointment for Jane to provide a session for her.

As Jane scanned her she asked, “have you had any sports injuries?” Audrey replied that she had been doing cheer-leading stunting for a number of years and on more than one occasion girls had fallen on top of her head and neck. Jane said she saw a lot of damage to soft tissue for such a young person. Jane was able to “create space” for the artery which was being restricted in that one session.

How wonderful that she doesn’t have to suffer any longer and that she doesn’t have to take strong over-the-counter drugs! (Our family likes to be drug-free.) She has had more sessions to repair other neurological damage caused by this sport. I am so glad I trusted my intuition and took Audrey for her first session.

Having a migraine headache can really knock you out. My daughter would have to retreat to total darkness in her room when a migraine struck. Jane "saw" that a vertebra in Audrey's upper neck was constricting the blood flow to her brain. She was able to "open up the area" and alle...

Audrey Borst, Wells, ME

NO BACK OR SHOULDER PAIN FOR 3 WEEKS NOW! Treatment for Degenerative Arthritis

THIS IS WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT😃🍾🎉❣️. I have had NO BACK OR SHOULDER PAIN FOR 3  WEEKS NOW!  While I am on the same Meds I have always been on, I always had pain while on them. So this is huge. We will continue to work on the nerve damage in my feet and the brain work from Lyme (or whatever) but I want you to know how much improved I feel and how grateful I am for your gifts you provide to me. You have my permission to use this as a referral. Blessings back to you my friend. 

THIS IS WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT😃🍾🎉❣️. I have had NO BACK OR SHOULDER PAIN FOR 3  WEEKS NOW!  While I am on the same Meds I have always been on, I always had pain while on them. So this is huge. We will continue to work on the nerve damage in my feet and the b...

Jan Pelletier, Lyman, ME
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